They wear white jump suits and they move like lightning.  They are really good painters, but they are not full-time painters.  Some work at one park, some work at all of the seven parks or state recreation areas on the North Carolina side of Kerr Lake.  Some plumb, some wire, some cut grass, some pick up trash and some do a combination of all those and much more.  They are “The Crew” at Kerr Lake State Recreation Areas.

Without a lot of thanks and praise, “The Crew” is comprised of those workers who take too little and ask for less and perform miracles around those parks.  There are a few “chiefs” in that crew, but most are park workers, some even seasonal.

Taking advantage of the cooler than normal temperatures this year and dodging rain showers, “the crew” has been sprucing up buildings around the seven recreation areas including the Area 2 Bath at Hibernia where this photo was taken.

The seven parks are home to more than 80 buildings and many of them such as these bath houses are two story.  “The Crew” moves in on a building painting the ground level up and returning with scaffolding to finish up the higher parts.  Then its on to another building or back to their regular job.

It is those regular jobs, performed by interested and engaged people without any gold or silver on their uniforms who actually keep the parks operating, clean and neat.  After witnessing what a messy group can do to a picnic site or a restroom, keeping the parks clean and neat is a plausible but near impossible job.

“The Crew” does it day in and day out. In fact, we’ll put them up against any other state parks group in North Carolina.  Kerr Lake Park Watch would like to take off our hat to all of you and say thanks!  Now back to painting before the state cuts that out!

Camping or picnicking at Kerr Lake?  Take a minute sometime and thank a ranger for keeping the park safe and thank a worker for keeping where you are clean and neat.  That gratitude really goes a long way.


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