KLPW’S Frank Timberlake appeared on WIZS’ Town Talk today to discuss Kerr Lake Park Watch’s agenda, work and plans. In that broadcast, Timberlake announced his mistrust of NCDENR to be the sole agency in charge of the coal ash spill and subsequent reporting because of increasingly better water test results in eastern North Carolina that were withheld from the public for nearly 30 years by DENR. Timberlake and his PR team broke that story backed up with research and documentation, plus peer review.
Timberlake also, for the first time, announced on the radio program that he sees a problem with the Corps of Engineers who owns the lake not calling out Duke Power over the coal ash spill. Timberlake said that he just learned last week that the Corps, from Kerr Lake’s power generation plant, does sell electricity made at Kerr Lake to Duke Power.
You can hear the entire broadcast if you so choose by clicking on this link: http://wizs.com/podcasts/town-talk/towntalk-02-26-2014-3/
WIZS is a Henderson, NC radio station.