The following is a guest article/news release sent to Kerr Lake Park Watch from a group of Kerr Lake area citizens concerned about coal ash headed by Deborah Ferruccio. 

Local citizens are joining with concerned environmental and civic groups in a meeting Thursday evening in Henderson, NC to form a coalition for the purpose of monitoring and cleaning up Kerr Lake waters in light of the coal ash spill several months ago. The organizational meeting of the yet unnamed group will be held at the Leslie Perry Library in Henderson from 6:00 to 8:00 PM, Thursday.  Speakers are encouraged to attend.

One of the leaders, Deborah Ferruccio says now is the time to get involved, “If you care about Kerr Lake and about our water supply, health, way of life, and economic base and you want Duke Energy to comprehensively vacuum up the coal ash contamination in the Dan River and Kerr Lake, please join concerned citizens and leaders of organizations such as the Roanoke River Basin Association, Appalachian Voices, the Southern Environmental Law Center and more on Thurs., April 24th at the Leslie Perry Library in Henderson, NC from 6-8 pm. We are facing a crisis that will affect our waterways for generations, and we need your support and help.

We are holding Duke Energy 100% accountable for the Dan River and Kerr Lake cleanup which Duke E. says will be paid for with insurance and by shareholders.”

Ms. Ferruccio went on to say, “Just because state, EPA, and Duke Energy officials claim that filtered drinking water is safe, so-called “safe” and “acceptable” maximum contamination levels (MCL’s) are determined by risk formulas where cost reduction factors weigh more heavily than health factors. MCL’s should be different, too, for a fetus and a 250 pound adult; but they’re not. They are generic to all sizes of people. MCL’s are also determined by looking a short, acute exposures and not chronic , longer-term exposures to contamination.

Besides the fact that we can’t necessarily believe that MCL’s of contaminants such as arsenic and lead are at safe levels, coal ash has in it dangerous volatile hydrocarbons such as benzene which are not even tested for. In addition, when bromide, a coal ash contaminant is cleaned with chlorine, it creates a dangerous substance, trihalomethane.

Finally, we cannot accept the scientific testing and results of the parties that are responsible for the pollution, namely Duke Energy and DENR. So, we must have independent testing, labs, and scientific assessment and a quality-controlled, quality assured chain of custody throughout the sampling, testing, and laboratory processes.

So, there is no reason to assume that Kerr Lake is safe. Coal ash contamination builds up in the environment, the water, in wildlife and human tissue over time, so small, “acceptable,” legal” doses pose a serious threat. Coal ash exposure can cause a host of diseases and disorders, including, cancer, heart disease, neurological and cognitive impairment and more.

Once the coal ash gets into Kerr Lake and spreads in its vast waters, it will be difficult if not impossible to retrieve it. Therefore, we are in a race against time to save Kerr and Gaston Lakes from receiving up to 82,000 tons of coal ash contaminants that will pollute the lake for decades to come.”

The group is encouraging area citizens and Kerr lake enthusiasts to join them as they build a coalition of grassroots citizens and environmental and civic organizations committed to protecting Kerr and Gaston Lakes and the entire Roanoke River Basin.

For more information about this meeting, please call Deborah Ferruccio at 919 610-6234, or email her at deborahferruccio@gmail.com.

Posted in: KLPW - Environmental, KLPW - MAIN NEWS, KLPW - WATER RELATED, KLPW - Water Safety

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