Hearing the news that the EPA, the Virginia Department of Health and the NC Department of Health & Human Resources said, “It’s OK to play in Kerr Lake today” it seems like that the even the wildlife around the lake knows that something is up, maybe even better.  At Kerr Lake Park Watch, we think the news didn’t come a minute to soon, and for now, is something to soar about.

People ask us at KLPLW all the time is it tough to push for and to keep the public lands and venues around the lake.  The answer is “yes” but worth it for the campers, the fishermen, the boaters, the tubers and skiers, but even more so for an increasing population.

Two osprey soar above their nest as they have sent their little osprey out for their first winged lessons.

That little speck to the left of the pine and above the cloud is a baby Osprey of which four total young were seen and photographed at an undisclosed location.

“All these birds were not here when I was a young boy,” said KLPW’s public affairs person, Frank Timberlake.  “Now we commonly see Eagles, Osprey, Egrets and we saw a true Blue Heron while fishing the other day.  I don’t think the hawks and owls ever left but they are also more abundant.”

Reintroduction programs over the years by various governmental entities have repopulated supposedly native species to Kerr Lake.

And though they do not understand the words, like the two-legged, non-winged species, they are probably glad that someone has said that it is OK in Kerr Lake to play.

Because it is more adaptable to photos you can see a more complete photo album of the Osprey family at

Posted in: KLPW - Environmental

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