Archive for KLPW – MAIN NEWS
Posted by KerrLakeParkWatch on February 27, 2014
KLPW’S Frank Timberlake appeared on WIZS’ Town Talk today to discuss Kerr
Lake Park Watch’s agenda, work and plans. In that broadcast, Timberlake announced his mistrust of NCDENR to be the sole agency in charge of the coal ash spill and subsequent
reporting because of increasingly better water test results in eastern North Carolina that were withheld from the public for nearly 30 years by DENR. Timberlake and his PR team broke that
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Posted by KerrLakeParkWatch on February 25, 2014
A little over three years old and Kerr Lake Park Watch comes up near the top of most Google searches on all things Kerr Lake. The group is now a named stakeholder with the U S
Army Corps of Engineers which owns and operates Kerr Lake.
KLPW, without membership drives, now has over 250 members. Last week KLPW reviewed campsite rehab RV sites with the Superintendent for the 7 NC recreation areas
and the editor of the Daily Dispatch. KLPW made enough noise to get discussions on hydrilla. Now a new possible threat, coal …
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Posted by KerrLakeParkWatch on February 6, 2014
As of
right now, coal ash waste and water, although reduced, is still flowing into the #DanRiver from the Duke Power holding pond near Eden, NC. Several sources have told Kerr Lake Park Watch that the water near
Danville, VA is a murky gray.
There have not yet been any plausible comments about the potential contamination effects on the #John …
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Posted by KerrLakeParkWatch on February 6, 2014
– Duke Energy admitted Monday that 82,000 tons of coal ash and up to 27 million gallons of water were released from a pond at a closed plant at Eden into the Dan River. The concern
by Kerr Lake Park Watch is that the Dan River is one of the main water sources for the John H. Kerr Reservoir.
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