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Posted by KerrLakeParkWatch on July 25, 2012
The following post was submitted by Tom O’Neal in response to the Kerr Lake State
Recreation Manager’s action to recently spray hydrilla infested waters off the shore of some Kerr Lake boat ramps and recreation areas.
“Great idea Bryce. Spraying poison into Kerr Lake so little Johnny and little Susie can go swim in it. I surely would not let my kids swim in poisoned water that some
government agent said was …
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Posted by KerrLakeParkWatch on July 9, 2012
Janet wrote:
“Would you say the water in Kerr Lake is clean for swimming? What is it tested for?
We are having a big event there and I want to feel secure that people will not get sick from swimming there. Thanks!”
We received these email questions from Janet P and quite honestly, we don’t know who tests the …
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Posted by KerrLakeParkWatch on June 11, 2012
Dear Kerr Lake residents and visitors,
As the summer fun season gets under way, I wanted to send a few reminders and updates.
If you have lake-front property, you may want to do some sampling to determine if hydrilla is present in your area. Simply zip-tie together the heads of two garden rakes, tie on
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Posted by KerrLakeParkWatch on June 1, 2012
We hope you have already had the
joy of getting out to a Kerr Lake Park this season. Everything is nice and green and the water already feels great! Memorial Day has come and gone but we have a lot of news and views
coming your way very shortly. So it’s time for a pause, a picnic, some camping or boat ramping.
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Posted by KerrLakeParkWatch on August 30, 2011
SCOTTSBURG – Since an EF-2 tornado struck Staunton River State Park on April 16 of
this year, the park’s trails have remained closed to the public. Recently, a section of trail that leads from the campground to a popular fishing spot has reopened, thanks to the efforts of a
Virginia State Parks Youth Conservation Corps crew.
It took just minutes for this powerful …
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