FOMOINFO – Hydrilla in Kerr Lake

Before next week’s meeting at Satterwhite Point, we thought it would be good to bring our members and readers up to date with more information about hydrilla. 

One group of experts on hydrilla at the US Army Corps of Engineers, ERDC lab at Vicksburg, MS informed KLPW that hydrilla comes in many different forms or types.  Combatants that work further south won’t work as well as in NC and VA.  Microbials have not yet been developed to the point of being successful as an eradication program.

Back to the basics.  In the next short while, KLPW is going to provide you some insight from more local expert perspectives from NCSU and Cooperative Extension.

For the immediate, here is a link to more information about hydrilla and hydrilla in Kerr Lake.

There will be more information coming.  All of this info should be of more help in your understanding of hydrilla and especially helpful if you are attending the THURSDAY, AUGUST 11 HYDRILLA UPDATE MEETING.


Posted in: KLPW - Hydrilla Information, KLPW - MAIN NEWS

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  1. Zack August 11, 2011

    What’s it (hydrilla) do?

  2. KLPW Moderator August 11, 2011

    Hydrilla is a noxious, aquatic weed that, unchecked, can choke the life out of a body of water. Just Google the word Hydrilla, Zack, and you will find volumes of info. Hydrilla makes the sandy and firm shores of somewhere like Kerr Lake turn to muck and brings algae and bacteria blooms as well. It’s your lake, you decide. KLPW


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