CORP OF ENGINEERS POSTS NEW HYDRILLA SURVEY CONDUCTED BY NCSU Posted by KerrLakeParkWatch on June 19, 2012 BULLETIN: There’s a new survey of information about hydrilla and its growth in Kerr Lake. The field work was conducted last fall and the report was just submitted by researchers at North Carolina State University to the US Army Corps of Engineers. The photo above shows hydrilla recently photographed off a North Carolina State Recreation Area. Researchers used a SONOR unit in mapping the hydrilla presence in Kerr Lake. KLPW is studying the report and will later issue a statement regarding its findings. You can read in its entirety at : Join the more than 125 members of KERR LAKE PARK WATCH. Subscribe to this blog and be notified when new posts go up about relative issues. It cost nothing but a little time be informed and if you want, involved and to have a voice in YOUR LAKE!FOR HELP SUBSCRIBING OR GETTING ON THE EMAIL LIST, SIMPLY WRITE TO: Tweet Pin It Posted in: KLPW - Hydrilla Information, KLPW - MAIN NEWS Leave a Comment (3) ↓
I hope the State Parks participate in the eradication effort as available to “water front” property owners. This non-native invasive weed is completely changing the lake camping experience.
There is some positive news soon to be released from NC State Parks. Evidently, Kerr Lake Recreation Areas will receive some help in the fight against hydrilla.
Please advise as to how low the Corp is intending to lower the lake as enough is enough.