“When it comes to government kicking at the people and to the people, add one more insult to injury; that’s right the feds are going to close Kerr Lake parks right here as leaf season comes into play,” says Kerr Lake Park Watch PA Lead Frank Timberlake.  Kerr Lake facilities owned and operated by the US Army Corps of Engineers will be closed beginning on Thursday.  Timberlake added, “That means if you are planning to picnic, jog, fish or camp from the shores inside a USACE operated facility you will have to do it somewhere else.  We are as amazed as you might be that while Washington dances and drinks on as if nothing has happened you will not camp nor eat nor drink in a park that you own.”

In a prepared news release, the Corps said, “The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE),
Wilmington District, is preparing for the closure of its Corps-managed campgrounds
and day-use parks beginning Thursday, October 10, unless fiscal 2014 funding
legislation is enacted by Congress. This will have no effect on leased
recreation areas operated by state or local entities.”

KLPW checked with Bryce Fleming, Superintendent of the seven NC State Recreation Areas around Kerr Lake and also with Virginia District 5 Visitors Services Specialist Pat Eastwood and found that the regular seasonally operated parks NC parks and the Virginia state parks on Kerr Lake will continue to operate under normal schedules.

There is a recent post on KLPW that shows the schedules for the NC State Recreation Areas.  You can either scroll down or paste this link in your browser:–cutback-schedule.aspx

Staunton River & Occoneechee State Parks on the Virginia side of Kerr Lake will close seasonally to campers on December 1.  Other facilities at the park will continue to operate on the regular year round schedule.

Parks, some ramps and day-use areas operated by the Army Corps of Engineers are to be closed until some funding resolution is reached by Congress.  Parks affected are at John H. Kerr Reservoir, Philpott Lake, B. Everett Jordan Dam and Lake, Falls Lake, W. Kerr
Scott Dam and Reservoir and Cape Fear Locks and Dams.  They will close by 8 p.m. on
Thursday and all campers must vacate the campgrounds by noon on Friday, Oct. 11.
  Campers with reservations in the future may
elect to leave their campsite reservations open for possible use after the
shutdown is lifted. Campers will receive a refund for any unused portion of
their reservations.  
Visitors are
encouraged to contact their local park office for information on other nearby
facilities that may be available for recreational use.

Primary impacts of the Corps actions will be the closing of North Bend Park, Rudds Creek, Longwood Park, Buffalo Creek Park, Palmer’s Point Day Use Area and Island Creek Day Use Area as well as more boat ramp areas.

If the government goes back to work you can see current
information on the closure and reopening of Wilmington District recreational
area facilities will be posted at District’s facebook
site at as well as this site.

Posted in: KLPW - Corps of Engineers Campgrounds, KLPW - MAIN NEWS, KLPW - N C State Recreation Areas, KLPW - Occoneechee State Park, KLPW - Reservation Information, KLPW - US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, KLPW- Staunton River State Park

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