On the morning before what some say will be a huge public forum in Henderson, NC on coal ash, words are heating up between NC DENR and the public.
Deborah Ferruccio was at the ERC meeting yesterday (Tuesday) and she said that at the meeting Tom Reeder , Director of the Division of Water Resources stood up in the beginning and said there is NO coal ash in Kerr Lake, she refuted that, but it is obvious that the state is boldly lying according to Ms. Ferruccio and her group. Pressure to say whatever it takes to make the public feel like everything is OK is mounting. The pressure to change the amount of coal ash spilled has continued also.
Reeder told KLPW earlier that coal ash was in Kerr Lake. Last week, there was a video news report showing Reeder straightforwardly saying that coal ash is in Kerr Lake. Friday, DENR made Reeder recant his position, but later Friday afternoon, Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality reaffirmed that coal ash indeed, is in Kerr Lake.
Attendees with her said, “The truth about what is really happening will have to be found out through other channels. What is going to be the narrative going forward for those of us who love our lake? Is it going to be a narrative of lies and deceit?”
Tonight a public forum on how to monitor and clean up coal ash in Kerr Lake will be held in Henderson. The organizational meeting of the yet unnamed group will be held at the Leslie Perry Library in Henderson from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.
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