Canoe Say Fun On The Water?

Enjoy an Occoneechee Canoe Paddle this Saturday, May 25th from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Experience Occoneechee State Park from a different perspective, as you paddle around the shoreline of Buggs Island Lake. The park staff will provide instruction and all paddling equipment needed: canoe, paddles, and PFDs. Please wear proper clothing and closed-toe water shoes to protect your feet. Your feet will get wet! All experience levels welcome. We will meet at the Posseclay Interpretive Shelter which is located past the playground beyond Picnic Shelters 1 and 2.
Space is limited; to reserve your spot, call the park office at (434) 374-2210. Standard parking or admission fee apply. There is no extra fee.
Phone: 434-374-2210
Email Address:

Posted in: KLPW - Boating and Related Improvements, KLPW - MAIN NEWS, KLPW - Occoneechee State Park, KLPW - WATER RELATED

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