(SCOTTSBURG) – YOU ARE INVITED! The public is invited to join the Chapel Hill Astronomical and Observational Society (CHAOS) for an evening of stargazing on Saturday, March 21, 8 to 11 p.m. CHAOS will be hosting their spring star party at Staunton River State Park March 18 – 21.
As one of the darkest locations in the eastern United States, Staunton River State Park is an ideal location for viewing the night skies. The park recently submitted an application for Dark Sky Park certification to the International Dark Sky Association.
The Staunton River Star Party occurs each spring and fall, with participants coming from all along the Eastern seaboard and beyond for this event. Amateur and professional astronomers who have pre-registered will be set up in the observing field near the visitor center.
On Saturday night, weather permitting, visitors will be able to mingle with the astronomers and learn and view planets, stars, nebula and galaxies.
Visitors should dress for the weather and bring a flashlight, preferably one with a red lens. Red cellophane will be provided to cover flashlights if needed. Food and beverages will be available for purchase.
Parking will be at the pool parking lot adjacent to the Visitor Center, in order to keep car headlights off the viewing area. The public viewing night on March 21 is free of charge.
Registration for the full star party closed March 8. For more information about the event or to register for future star parties visit
Staunton River State Park is located in Halifax County at 1170 Staunton Trail, Scottsburg, VA. For park information you may call 434-572-4623, or email
For general information or to make overnight reservations at Staunton River or any of Virginia’s 36 award-winning state parks go to or call toll-free 800-933-7275.