Citizen Irate About Chemical Spraying for Hydrilla
The following post was submitted by Tom O’Neal in response to the Kerr Lake State Recreation Manager’s action to recently spray hydrilla infested waters off the shore of some Kerr Lake boat ramps and recreation areas.
“Great idea Bryce. Spraying poison into Kerr Lake so little Johnny and little Susie can go swim in it. I surely would not let my kids swim in poisoned water that some government agent said was safe. It really amazes me that people want this spraying to occur so they can swim it and maybe later catch and eat a few fish that survived the poison. It is bad enough the amount of chemicals and pollutant in our streams and lakes without the state spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to put more chemicals in our waters.
So all you happy campers and lake home owners enjoy the poison and don’t worry ’cause Bryce and the Kerr Lake State Recreation Area “leaders” are taking good care of you.”
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