URGENT! WE NEED YOUR HELP! Ok, coal ash is in Kerr Lake. We’ve known that since mid-February. We simply want an “official in the know” not any opportunistic politician, to tell us Kerr Lake IS or IS NOT safe for human recreational interaction. PUSH your local, state and/or federal representative to demand the answer. You are a citizen. It’s about time you acted like one and become involved!

Here’s how you can help Kerr Lake on the coal ash issue! First of all, remember that this is an election year. Contact your representative.  The contact info for your NC state senator or rep can be found here: http://www.ncleg.net/.
Your Virginia delegate or state rep can be found here: http://virginiageneralassembly.gov/

You can also Google your congressman or Senators Burr and Hagan in NC and Senators Kaine and Warner in VA.  All of these people WORK FOR YOU, not the other way around.

Our question is simple. Feel free to use the info below in your request for help:

Is Kerr Lake safe or not for human recreational interaction? Some responsible agency should be able to gather 50 bottles of water in front of the public areas from all over Kerr Lake, make tests on the samples to determine if the water is safe for human recreational interaction. Then, that agency should make its findings public. It bothers us that they are testing drinking water and worried about the fish. We think the visitors to Kerr Lake and its residents should come first.

Thanks for any and all efforts you make for Kerr Lake! For quick updates visit www.facebook.com/KerrLakeParkWatch.

Kerr Lake Park Watch today launched a paid Facebook campaign to get citizens around Kerr Lake to contact their elected officials.  KLPW provided the same contact information listed above in hopes people will demand answers.

Posted in: KLPW - Environmental, KLPW - MAIN NEWS, KLPW - WATER RELATED, KLPW - Water Safety

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