The NC DENR bosses are pushing the Director of the Division of Water Resources to soften his remarks that coal ash is in Kerr Lake.  Tom Reeder, who Kerr Lake Park Watch interviewed about two months ago, who said coal ash was in the upper convergence waters of Kerr Lake, is getting pressure from his bosses to recant that.

As usual, most involved agencies claim they are studying or testing Kerr Lake waters and those processes have been going on for months.  “With 82,000 tons of coal ash spilling into the Dan River and the Dan River flowing into Kerr Lake, which is actually a flow-through power generation and flood control reservoir and not a lake, there surely has to be some amount of coal ash in the lake,” reaffirmed KLPW’s Public Affairs head, Frank Timberlake.

“We still cannot get an answer to our question.  Is the lake safe for visitors to interact with the water at the parks and public areas, all the way around the lake?  If these bureaucrats can pause their infighting and just answer that, we’ll work on disseminating the truth about using the lake this season.”

Timberlake added, “We saw and support a report by Time Warner Cable News that announced that coal ash is in Kerr.  That’s not our issue.  Use of the lake, safely, by the public is our concern.”

You can see the yesterday’s report from Reeder and today’s new information about NC DENR attempting to get Reeder to recant his story in these Time Warner Cable News reports.  For the first and latest report click here:  DENR conflicted about coal ash in Kerr Lake

Yesterday’s original Time Warner Cable News story.

Kerr Lake Park Watch remains committed to obtaining answers to its focused question on coal ash effects for visitors.

Posted in: KLPW - Environmental

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  1. Larry Matthews April 18, 2014

    First, thanks to Frank Timberlake for his actions on behalf of KLPW regarding this coal ash issue and its impact on Kerr Lake.

    Now, is anyone listening to us common tax payers? First, I’ll admit that I’ve not been able to read all of the articles on this subject. But, all we hear about are Duke Power, government agencies, special interest groups, news media stories, and “we are waiting for results of studies”. Also, since the Corp of Engineers is suppose to “own” Kerr Lake, why isn’t the Corps all over this and demanding answers?

    So, my main question with this comment is: Does anyone know who we members of KLPW can reach out to and express our concerns about something seemingly as simple as, “Can I swim in and eat fish out of Kerr Lake this summer…and summers to come?”

  2. Frank Timberlake April 18, 2014

    Thanks Larry,

    I don’t know if anyone knows the hours and expense it takes to keep up with this and all the Kerr Lake issues. We surely appreciate the ardent activity of you and all our KLPW supporters.


Reply to Frank Timberlake