Posted by KerrLakeParkWatch on May 21, 2014
WITH HIGH WATER CAMPSITE CLOSURES FOR MEMORIAL WEEKEND – Spawning Striped Bass in Roanoke River Get Nod/Blame for Slow Release
The 306’ water level at Kerr Lake is anticipated to lower to only about 305-feet above sea level
for this weekend, the Memorial Day holiday. In a testy, if not often heated meeting yesterday, the US Army Corps of Engineers took repeated questions …
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Posted by on May 6, 2014
Ask a simple question and finally, months later, you get an answer. Kerr Lake Park Watch greatly acknowledges the
efforts of Michael T Womack, Operations Project Manager at John H. Kerr Reservoir, in securing answers about the recreational effects of
coal ash on the lake’s visitors.
Quietly and unobtrusively last week, the Virginia Department of Health and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services put out a
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Posted by KerrLakeParkWatch on May 2, 2014
COAL ASH? Do we know the current safety level of Kerr Lake? No! Because
NO PUBLIC AGENCY will speak to that. So we’ll head on to the picnic areas and campsites…because it’s time to PIG OUT KERR LAKE STYLE!
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Posted by KerrLakeParkWatch on May 2, 2014
Update Story Posted by Jane Porter on The Indy onThu, May 1, 2014 at 4:44 PM
Last week Tom Reeder, the director of DENR’s Division of Water Resources, emphatically told lawmakers that no coal ash deposits have been found to date in
Kerr Lake.
“There’s been a lot of anecdotal reporting about ash in Kerr Lake,†Reeder said at an Environmental Review Commission meeting.
He added …
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Posted by KerrLakeParkWatch on May 1, 2014
Over 100 people crowded into a Henderson library late last week with one subject on their
collective minds…coal ash in Kerr Lake.Deborah Ferruccio, a Kerr Lake enthusiast and activist and others felt they needed a forum and to see if there are common bonds moving forward on
securing more information about the ramifications of coal ash in Kerr Lake and in securing cleanup and reparation from Duke Power, the originator of the spill of …
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